GrafEq - Functions and Relations
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Macintosh Manual

Appendix B. Functions and Relations

Algebraic Functions

Arithmetic Operations

Factoring Functions

Integer Functions

Integer functions convert real values to intergers. Each function takes one argument.

Measure Functions/Magnitude Operators

Order Functions

Relational Functions

Relational functions includes Equal to (=), Less than (<), Greater than (>) and the complete range of positive and negative, simple and complex relations. All relational functions are infix binary with the operator in between two terms. Hint: Besides easy buttons, less than or equal to can also be entered with the control-< key combination; greater than or equal to with the control-> key combination.

Set Functions

Hint: Pairs of braces, brackets, as well as parentheses can also be used to control precedence.

Trig Functions and Relations

All trig functions and relations take one argument each.

To conclude this section of the manual, following are some additional hints and tips about GrafEq functions, relations, and operations:

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